Conference Information and Assistance
- All important information can be found on the conference website:
- Questions or concerns can be submitted via the “Contact” button found on the conference website or you may call our conference hotline: 610-866-3255.
Accessing the Live Transcription
- Find where it says “LIVE” in the upper left hand corner of the Zoom webinar [LIVE is white text in a red box]
- Next to “LIVE” find where it says “on custom live streaming service”
- This is a drop down menu; click it
- From the drop down menu, select “view stream on custom live streaming service”
- This will open the transcription in a web browser
- You can move the web browser around your screen to view it alongside the webinar
Downloading Zoom
The web browser client will download automatically when you start or join your first Zoom meeting or first Zoom webinar and is also available for manual download online. You should download Zoom in advance if possible.
- To download Zoom in advance, please follow this link and complete all prompts:
Updating Zoom
If you download Zoom automatically when joining your first meeting, then you do not need to worry about updates. If you have used Zoom before, then it is on your computer and you should make sure it is updated in order for you to have access to all the latest features.
- Open the Zoom Client on your computer.
- Find your profile picture in the upper right side of the Zoom Client and click it.
- In the dropdown menu, select “Check for Updates”.
- If there are updates available, select “Update” and complete all prompts.
Zoom Meetings
A Zoom Meeting allows both hosts and attendees to use their webcams and microphones. It is a fully interactive experience. Here are some tips to make the most out of your Zoom meeting.
- When joining a Zoom Meeting, you may be asked to choose an audio conference option. Never bypass this prompt. If you ignore this prompt, you will not have any sound.
- You may need to change your microphone or camera or adjust settings for either device. You can do this by finding the microphone and/or camera icon in the lower left and selecting the upward carrot next to the icon.
- If you select “Settings” from either (microphone or camera) menu, this will open a settings window that shows you all meeting settings on the left side! This is a quick way you can adjust any of your settings in-meeting.
Zoom Webinars
Zoom webinars allow hosts and panelists to be on camera, but attendees are in view and listen only mode. Here are some tips to make the most of your Zoom Webinar.
- Join a Zoom webinar following the same process as joining a Zoom Meeting.
- If you are an attendee, you will be in view and listen only mode. You will not have access to your microphone or webcam.
- If you are a host or panelist, the webinar will look much like a Zoom Meeting. In the lower toolbar, you have the same options as a Zoom meeting, with the additional Q&A feature.
Explore Zoom Ahead of Time
If you have questions about Zoom, consider exploring their knowledge base.
Getting Help In-Webinar or Meeting
If you need technical assistance while in a Zoom meeting or webinar, look for the star.
- Please send a chat to a technician if you need assistance. The technician’s profile picture will always be the blue Moravian star.
- In order to send a direct message, float your mouse over the profile picture. Select the 3 dots in the upper right corner. From the drop down, select “chat.”
Internet Troubleshooting
If you think you are having trouble with your Internet connection, consider these tips.
- Check your speed ahead of time.
- Internet speed tests can determine if you have adequate bandwidth from your Internet Service Provider (ISP). If it is lower than 2 Mbs down and 1 Mbps up, there will likely be problems (dropouts, low quality/garbled audio, etc.)
- No one else in the home should be using the Internet for bandwidth intensive gaming/streaming if you have limited bandwidth from your ISP.
- If possible, be physically close to your router.
- If necessary, consider using your personal hotspot from your smartphone. Please note that data rates may apply.
- Using hotspot with an iPhone:
- Using hotspot with an Android:
Virtual Conference Best Practices
Consider these tips to feel successful during your virtual conference experience, noting that only Presenters and Moderators will have their cameras and microphones turned on during panels and presentations while everyone can fully participate in various social opportunities.
- Your Location
- Consider quietness.
- Are you located where you will not be interrupted by family members, roommates, or pets?
- Are you located where you are not picking up noise from fans, heating, or air conditioning?
- Are you located where you are not picking up sounds from outside?
- Consider a virtual background. Directions for a virtual background are here:
- If connecting from a laptop, plug in the laptop wall power. Battery use can adversely affect video quality.
- Consider quietness.
- Your Camera
- You want perfect headroom, which is where you are in frame from chest to the top of your head. There should be a small amount of space between the top of your head and the top of the frame.
- Sit relatively mid frame.
- Look directly at the camera.
- Your Lighting
- You want your face to be evenly lit.
- If you are using daylight, remember that daylight changes throughout the day.
- Do not sit with your back to a window. Lighting should come from in front and above you.
- Your Audio
- Use headphones of any kind; do not forget to charge them if they are mobile.
- Mute your microphone when you are not speaking.
- Remember to unmute yourself when you are ready to share your thoughts.
- Your Wardrobe
- Do not dress in the same color as your background.
- Do not wear dark black and/or white clothing.
- Your Presentation
- Do not be afraid to use hand gestures, voice modulation, and strategic pauses to keep your audience engaged.